What we offer


For most of us, starting out at a new gym can quite daunting, but our 6 Week Introduction is designed to help ease you in and support you on the initial stage of your CrossFit journey. You will be able to attend 3 CrossFit classes a week and will have a weekly check-in with one of our expert coaches who will be able to help you with your accountability and your nutrition, as-well as answer any questions you may have.


A 60 minute class consisting of a consistent mix of variety and FUN! You'll perform stretching, skill practices, strength work and/or a conditioning circuit (met-con). Plus, each "WOD" (Workout of the Day) will be different so it will keep your body guessing. Every workout can be scaled to the individual, considering your current fitness level and ability.


A 60 minute session weightlifting class that is focussed around the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. These classes are great, whether you're looking to improve your technique and strength, or want to pursue Olympic Weightlifting as a sport.


Our 45 minute Sweat Conditioning session is aimed at people looking to lose a little weight and improve their general fitness. It will consist of low skill movements such as running, rowing, biking, basic bodyweight exercises etc. and does NOT require completion of our 6 Week Intro.


We have a designated 'Open Gym' area that is separate from the classes, for anybody wanting to do their own workouts. This is the perfect space for anybody following a separate program or unable to attend the classes for whatever reason.


We offer Drop-in sessions for people visiting the area, so if you're in and around Bristol for a period of time and would like to either get involved with the classes or use the Open Gym then get in touch and we will be more than happy to accommodate you.


Our CrossFit Kids program is aimed at children between the ages of 7 and 12 years old, and is designed to help build good habits for the future generation by promoting the importance of health and fitness in a fun and friendly environment and teaching the kids the basics of body control and safe exercise.


If you're aged between 16 and 18 years old and would like to do CrossFit then we can help. We offer a discount membership for Teens to try and encourage them to lead a healthy lifestyle, to learn the importance of training regularly and also the correct techniques on on how to lift and train the RIGHT WAY!